Monday, March 24, 2008

Deep Thoughts :: from the kids

Nov. 15, 2010 -- Because she's reading The King's Fifth (O'Dell) about conquistadores, Kathleen reminded me today that when listening to our Jim Weiss audio taped version of Story of the World (Bauer), Mary Kate used to think he was saying, "Come kiss the Doras." MK was probably around 6 at the time.

August 19, 2010 -- Slightly turned off that I (her mom)am proficient enough in Pig Latin, my daughter decided instead to speak with her twin brother in Turkey Irish. New one on me.

June 11, 2010 -- (after watching the western fights in a few episodes of Bonanza)
Mike: "Their cowboy hats always seem to fall off during their fighting. Then, whenever the guy goes to pick up his hat, he gets shot. They really shouldn't bother getting their hats back."

June 7, 2010 -- (Right after Mary Kate pulled out a tooth)
Mary Kate: "Wow, I've lost four teeth in the last month."
Mikey: "Are you sure you don't just have scurvy?"
The sibling love around here is simply palpable.

Feb. 3, 2010 -- While learning some English language idiosyncracies in his grammar and reading lesson, Jimmer asked, "Was this book made in China or something?"

Nov. 24, 2009--Jimmer: "I always have to wear my sweatshirt when my mom is cold."

Nov. 19, 2009 -- Jimmer: "After reading through a book about the brain, my 7 yo declared, "My brain is telling me I'm too hungry to do my math."

Nov. 7, 2009 -- Jimmer: Logic of my 7 yo son: "Now that I'm seven, are you going to have another baby?"
Me: "Whuh?"
Jimmer: "When I was six, we had six people in our family. Now I'm seven and think we should have another baby to make it seven."

Nov. 3, 2009 -- Jimmer: Home alone with 7 yo (3 others at piano) making paper pulp. His profound statement to me while we were bonding: "Have you noticed that I'm growing hair on my big toes now?" "I have some on my thighs also."

Oct. 13, 2009 -- Jimmer: Listening to her younger son read riddles to his siblings. He thinks he's the funniest person alive! "What does the crab use to call his mom? (His shell phone!) What does the corn chip say to his pal? (Should we go for a dip?)

Sept. 30, 2009 -- Jimmer: My younger son wanted to help take care of his ailing older brother by feeding him crackers one-by-one with the tongs.

Sept. 5, 2009 -- Jimmer: 6 yo son: "You know, unbrellas really don't hold you up very well."
Me: "Whuh?"
Jimmer: "I tried jumping off the side of the house with one. It really doesn't work...but I didn't break it."

Sept 4, 2009 -- Jimmer: Our 6 yo son has created his own excitement (mischief?) in doing math subraction problems. Instead of saying he's "borrowing" he tells himself that he's "robbing" from the other columns. The little bandit!

Aug. 28, 2009 -- Jimmer: Just heard my 6 yo son say to my 10 yo son: "You call me names. My strength you doubt. Pardon me while I knock you out!"

Aus, 12, 2009 -- Jimmer: Quote from my 6 yo son (quite seriously): "Prunes are for special occasions."

May 12, 2009 -- Jimmer: 4th time around -- when 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the, usually. So many "disobedient" words in the English language. My son calls them "naughty" words! If he only knew...

Feb. 16, 2009 -- Jimmer: Mom is thinking about the willpower it took to refrain from violently making gestures to stop her son's sword fight with his violin bow on stage yesterday.

Feb. 16, 2009 (Jim? Mike?) -- Mom is wondering how she missed a 12 oz. plastic margarine tub going through the wash. She found it in her son's cargo pocket.

Sept. 28, 2009 -- Kids: Our road trips have proven quite lucrative for our kids. In all the nat'l parks, gas stations, laundromat, and stores we frequented this time around, they found $25.33 + a pocket knife. It got embarrassing, though, when they put straws together to reach under a machine.

Nov. 11, 2009 -- Kathleen -- My daughter wants to use her brother's night vision goggles and stay up all night if necessary to see when the tooth fairy comes.

Nov. 2, 2009 -- Kathleen -- Just heard daughter from the breakfast table, "I just alphabetized all of my Halloween candy."

Oct. 30, 2009 -- Kathleen -- When I asked my daughter to make up a sentence with a predicate noun, she used her brother as an example: "Mikey is a gasbag."

Aug. 20, 2009 -- Mary Kate -- Quizzing my 8yo daughter on the skeleton.
Mom: "What's the longest bone in your body?"
MK: "Um..the one in my leg, um...oh, the thyroid?"

Aug. 14, 2009 -- MK -- When I asked my soon-to-be nine yo duaghter what she wants for her upcoming birthday she said, "A volcano cake with tropical flowers, a crank flashlight, a watch, and (drum roll please) a swim cap."

July 27, 2009 -- MK -- Daughter arriving home from a pool outing wth neighbors) "Mom, they had a Code Brown at the first pool, so we had to go to a different one after that."

July 25, 2009 -- one of the girls? -- Quote of the day from our house: "Hey, I just found a leopard-print purse with a hand grenade in it."

July 19, 2009 -- Mike -- First words of the day I heard as I walked into one of the kids' rooms: "Mom, don't talk to Kathleen--she's trying to hold her breath as long as she can."

Feb 22, 1009 -- (re: Mikey) Mom is hoping her son changes his mind about wanting a job someday that requires a G-suit.

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