Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our neighbor's NAH-na gives a lesson

We have great neighbors! There are a lot of children on our block (17--all 9 years old and younger). So, when someone's Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Chief, Tootsie, Grammy, or Grampy comes...we ALL celebrate!

This week has been no exception. Our neighbor's NAH-na is here. I say NAH-na because that's the way everyone says it. She's from England, so that's the way we're supposed to say it!

Once again, we've been able to hear her signature phrases, "Good Mohhhhh-ning," and, "Would you like a Bah-NAHHH-na?"

Today, NAH-na had everyone over for a tea party and taught all the kids about the origins of having a tea. The kids ate and drank it up!

Here are the girls before they headed two doors down.
Most of the kids there.I guess the boys heard they were supposed to wear hats at a tea party, so check out those boy tea hats! They're sure to start some sort of trend (?)!

Oh Lord, they let Jimmer use their fine china. Maybe they forgot about his accident history.

Somewhere along the line, the girls were doing this.

While the boys were doing this.They must have gotten the memo that a tea party isn't a boy thing.

NAH-na with the children.
Thanks for tea...and cucumber sandwiches, shortbread, and pumpkin bread. It was splendid!

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