Sunday, February 8, 2009


Just in time for our 76 degree weather!

The girls wanted to learn to crochet, so I figured I better brush up on my skills. Mary Kate likes my hat and has requested a pink one for herself.

I want to modify the pattern then remake my hat. I don't like a few things about it. Maybe I'll just wash it and see if it shrinks more to my liking. I think I'll also make some matching wrist warmers and a scarf. (Yes, I get cold here in the winters. I've turned into quite a wimp, in fact!)

I'm also working on this fun and bright hexagon blanket by Lucy at Attic 24. The kids think it's pretty cool that we have 3 different blankets their great grandma crocheted. Maybe my future great grandkids will have a couple of my blankets someday.

Oh, yes. I should get around to teaching the girls a few more stitches as well! Then they can help with a couple of my hexagon rounds!

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