Monday, November 22, 2010

Kathleen's dream bedroom, etc.

So I was sorting through piles of things that have overtaken one of our horizontal surfaces in the school room and found a handful of Kathleen's old drawings.

"Old" as in WAY back when she was in 5th grade.

Last year.

When she was, you know, still just a kid.

Her dream bedroom -- a treehouse loft

with several modes of entry/exit.

A knotted rope

A climbing wall

A ladder

For a crash landing or perhaps just a little fun:

A mound of colored foam blocks.

And, of course, an outdoorsy mural.

Moving along...

I also found Kathleen's first gig poster creation among the piles.

When I found this next picture, I figured it had to be Mike's...but, to my surprise, it is Kathleen's.

Hmmm...go cart innards.

A mechanical drawing? By Kathleen?
Looks like her brother is rubbing off on her.

Kids' artwork leaves a lasting glimpse of what has occupied their active imaginations.

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