Friday, March 11, 2011

Follow Friday (#1)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea!  I can't believe I've only just caught on!

And The Feature Blog this week is...

Anyway, the (brilliant) question this week is:

"Who are You the Boy/Girl, instead of You the Blogger?"

Well, I'm Megan-the-Girl, I'm based in the UK and I'm a self-confessed Compulsive Book Buyer.  I've decided to tell you more about Meg-As-A-Girl, rather than Meg-At-Work.  So, when I'm not reading or working, I'm playing with my dog (Hannah), updating my blog or writing little stories that I never seem to finish.  I'm a Cancer, a Summer Child, who's also insanely random, and comes out with questions like: "Why do you cross your fingers for luck?" at insanely random (and occasionally not very appropriate) times.  I rode horses all the time when I was younger, and used to play the violin.  My favourite subject has always been English, and for as long as I can remember, I've had no common sense.   I love spending time with my family and friends, my favourite animals are dogs, horses and dolphins.  As well as my CBB, I'm also addicted to crime shows, like CSI, The Mentalist, Castle, NCIS and Criminal Minds.  My favourite paranormal-type TV shows are The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural (love the Winchesters!  And series 4&5 were so funny!), Being Human and Charmed.
I've been blogging since December 2010, but only really got into it during the New Year.  I started my blog so I could find equally obsessed book addicts, and I'm glad to say I have!  I have a TBR pile that grows weekly (not lying there) and I've read as long as I've remembered.  Since I've been blogging my Wishlist has tripled!

So, that's all about Meg-the-Girl.  If you've found me through FF, leave your link so I can follow you back!  For those of you that aren't taking part, why not comment a little about you as a Boy/Girl?  Or even better: follow the link and join in!

Have a great weekend people!

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