Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (#22)

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, and it's a weekly meme all about the books that are coming out soon that we really can't wait to read.

What I'm waiting for this week is easy-peasey.  Next-in-series-books.  And they are...
The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2)The Golden Lilly
Series:Bloodlines, Book Two
Author: Richelle Mead
Published: 19th June 2012
Published By: Razorbill
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis On Goodreads
I am LOVING Bloodlines, so you can understand why I am literally DESPERATE for the next in the series!  And isn't the cover GORGEOUS?!

A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2)A Million Suns
Series:Across The Universe, Book Two
Author: Beth Revis
Published: 10th January 2012
Published By: Razorbill
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis On Goodreads
I adored Across the Universe, and so I am absolutely dying for this one!  I NEED to know what will happen next!  AND I just love, love, love this cover!

City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5)City of Lost Souls
Series:The Mortal Instruments, Book Five
Author: Cassandra Clare
Published: 8th May 2012
Published By: Margret K. McElderlly
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis From Goodreads
City of Fallen Angels ended on the.worst.cliffhanger.ever.  And the way this one is described... one sentence.  One that's making me go: "ARGH, I WANT THIS BOOK!  NO: I NEED THIS BOOK!!!"  I am desperate for this book.  *sigh*  Desperate.

Well, that's me for the week.

What are you waiting for this week?

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