Saturday, October 29, 2011

On My Wishlist (#18)

On My Wishlist is an awesome weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City that runs every Saturday.  It's a place where you can put up all the books you're desperate to read, but haven't actually bought them yet.  They can be old, new or forthcoming.    And, even better, everyone can join in with too, because there's a Mr Linky so you can put your post up.  All you have to do is click on the link below:

I am hoping for two books this week.  When I find the funds, I am sure they will pop up on an IMM!  Anyhoo, this is what I'm wishing for...

Cherry Crush (The Chocolate Box Girls, #1)Cherry Crush
Series: The Chocolate Box Girls, Book One
By: Cathy Cassidy
Published: 3rd October 2011
Published By: Indigo
Found: On Redhouse
Synopsis From Goodreads:
Cherry Costello's life is about to change forever. She and Dad are moving to Somerset where a new mum and a bunch of brand-new sisters await. And on Cherry's first day there she meets Shay Fletcher; with suntanned skin and sea-green eyes he's the kind of boy who should carry a government health warning.
After reading Marshmallow Skye (see my review: here), I've been left desperate for more Cassidy!  I soo badly want this one now!  I just loved the whole Chocolate side of the story, and I want to know the backstory!  Plus, how cute is that cover?!  :D
Bleeding Hearts (Drake Chronicles)Bleeding Hearts
Series: Drake Chronicles, Book Four
By: Alyxandra Harvey
Published: 5th3rd October 2011
Published By: Bloomsbury
Found: On Goodreads
Synopsis From Goodreads:
Lucy's cousin Christabel has come to live in Violet Hill, and adjusting to the difference between life in a small mountain town and her home in the city is difficult enough. The strict curfew that Lucy's parents enforce is the worst part. Something really dangerous couldn't possibly happen in this tiny town. But Christabel has noticed some mysterious happenings, and it seems like Lucy, her boyfriend Nicholas and his brother Connor are all in on a secret that Christabel doesn't understand - one that seems deadly serious. Although she won't admit it, Christabel would love to be in on any secret with Connor Drake. But after Christabel is kidnapped by the ruthless Hel-Blar vampires, Lucy and Connor finally fill her in on all the undead drama. Together, they must find a way to stamp out the Hel-Blar for good.
Ohh, how I love this series!   I love all those Drake boys, and I need more Lucy and Nicholas!  I must, must, must buy this one - ASAP!!
Well, those are the ones I'm a-wishing for.
What's on your wishlist this week?

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