Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cover Crazy (#2)

Cover Crazy is a meme held (normally) on Mondays, and is hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms.  The whole point is to admire a cover you love, focusing why it caught your attention and what you like most about it. 

Ok, this week I'm Crazy about this Cover.  There are so many I'm Crazy over, but, too many covers, so little time.  So this is the Cover I'm Crazy for...

Series: Halo, Book One
By: Alexandra Adornetto

Published: Paperback: 20th January 2011
Hardcover: 31st August 2010

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Nothing much happens in the sleepy town of Venus Cove. But everything changes when three angels are sent from Heaven to protect the town against the gathering forces of darkness: Gabriel, the warrior; Ivy, the healer; and Bethany, a teenage girl who is the least experienced of the trio. They work hard to conceal their true identity and, most of all, their wings.
But the mission is threatened when the youngest angel, Bethany, is sent to high school and falls in love with the handsome school captain, Xavier Woods. Will she defy the laws of Heaven by loving him? Things come to a head when the angels realize they are not the only supernatural power in Venus Cove. There′s a new kid in town and he′s charming, seductive and deadly. Worst of all, he′s after Beth.

The minute I saw this cover, I fell in love.  The gorgeous golden-orange light spilling between the two love-birds on the front.  The soft glow showing through the beautiful wings.  The little lock of hair hanging down from the guy's face.  The beautiful, swirly font of the title and the bold, simple font of Alexandra's name. 
As I stared at it, I noticed the way everything darkens as it gets towards the bottom.  Does that symbolize darkness and evil lurking underneath the beauty and light?  And then there's: 'She was sent to save him... But can she save herself?'  Save who?  And from what? 
But mostly when I look at this cover, I feel... Love.  Happiness.  Light.  Beauty.  Sure, there's obviously darkness squatting amongst the goodness, but it's hiding at the moment. 
And, sure enough, most of the book was light, happy, beauty and full of love.  The writing in particular was amazing.  To read my full review, click: here.

Back to covers, what does this one make you feel?  And what cover are you crazy about?

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