Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Homemade Christmas Gifts

Our children wanted to make some homemade Christmas gifts for each other. Not all of our gifts will be homemade this year, but I think it's a good start by having the kids make things for each other. I'll also hand make something for each child.

The kids realized that it can be tricky to work on their projects with everyone else always around. So, they even built a hidden workshop.They think it's really cool when they get to bring in a flashlight, turn it on, and work alone in their little cave shop. Sometimes a couple of kids hide away in the fort working on their projects. It's amazing how quiet they are when they are working so diligently!

Here are some of our works in progress...

Chimpy is having a fitting.

Here's another requested item that Kathleen is knitting.

Mary Kate thought up this one by herself. You can see the edge of her project on the right side, but we wouldn't want to give it away before Christmas, right?
Mikey is working on something with cardboard, but I haven't been allowed to see any of it yet.

Same for Jimmer on the secretiveness, but I know he's making something with felt.

Here are a couple of other projects going on around the house.

Children are naturally creative. I just learned to knit last year when Kathleen checked out a knitting book from the library. Now the girls are learning embroidery stitches, something I haven't touched since childhood. So, these homemade gifts are a way for all of us to use our gifts...to give!

May you all give or receive something handmade for Christmas this year!

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