Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

Sometimes it's warm here on Christmas, sometimes more frigid (comparatively speaking...and I'm not comparing it to Minnesota). This year it was balmy. Those grilled ribs tasted even better sitting out on the deck. Yep, that's Kathleen in shorts and bare feet. Although sometimes I do think Jimmer should wear a protective helmet at all times(!), he was just wearing the play (non-protective) S.W.A.T. helmet Santa gave him.

He still had on his spy gear while he played on one of his favorite new toys, the Whirly Wheel.


Another fun Christmas gift--the Green Machine.

A serious hockey game broke out on the driveway.

I love it that our kids believe GAP stands for God Answers Prayers. (They saw this explanation written on a friend's baseball cap.)

It'll be a while before Kathleen fully gets the hang of riding her unicycle. Practice. Practice.

It'll also be a while before I fully get the hang of using my new dSLR. Practice. Practice. At least I have plenty of subjects and material around here on which to practice. I hope to post better photos in the future. For now, I'm just trying to figure out how to use the thing.

Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad, y'all.
Geseende Kersfees, Nici.
Froehliche Weihnachten, Reinhard.

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