Friday, January 23, 2009

Basketball and Chips :: Not a good combo

Isn't her smile sweet?

Look at those nice straight teeth.

Remember, this is our little athlete.

Normally, I think basketball and chips (with dip) go really well together. Today, I proclaim I don't like the combination of basketball and these kind of chips.

She got hit by the basketball. There's a small chip on one tooth and a bigger chip on the other.

Kathleen had perfect little buckies for only about 2-1/2 years. Makes me wonder what other injuries I have to look forward to. (At least she had her nice front teeth longer than I had my engagement ring--that I lost.) For the record, Kathleen has had two staples in her head and now two chipped front teeth. Her record is still better than Jimmer's.

I'll use this opportunity to add one of Kristin's original ideas--Flashback Friday. I just wish I didn't have this occasion to share these particular pictures.

Kathleen was the first to lose her front teeth. (BTW--She lost one of them the same way she just chipped her new ones--playing basketball.) Mary Kate lost hers about 6 months later...just as Kathleen's were finally emerging.

Picture taken summer 2006
If you click on the picture, you can see that little corner of Kathleen's front tooth coming in. That's the part that chipped off that tooth.

By November, Mikey had lost both of his...and Kathleen's were fully visible.

So, if you're wondering what to do when a tooth gets chipped (but isn't bleeding), here's what the on-call dentist advised: 1) Rub fluoride toothpaste on the chipped areas as this desensitizes the tooth a bit. 2) Take one dose of ibuprofen once a day for 3 days--not for pain but for inflammation. If there's inflammation around the nerve, it can cause further damage. 3) Make sure not to use the teeth to bite directly down on anything for 10 days. 4) Call the regular dentist first thing on Monday.

Of course all of these types of accidents seem to happen on Friday afternoons...or after hours. Why is that?

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