Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Weekly Gift

I've become quite fond of Tuesday afternoons. At about 12:55 PM things get a bit calmer around here. The three older kids trot (sometimes run) down the street to piano lessons. I have a two hour gift of "alone time" every Tuesday afternoon with my little Jimmer (a.k.a. Chimpy Boy, Jim-bop-a-loo-bop, Jimmy, Changa--short for Chimpychanga).

Jimmer usually chooses something he'd like to do with me for those two hours when he is king of the house. Today he wanted me to watch him ride the Green Machine in the street.

I get lots of these smiles.

(Check out that front tooth that's just about ready to come out.)

Sometimes I just like to watch him play...

...and admire his little swirly cowlick

...and the scar above his right eye from where he had 12 stitches.

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