Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mary Kate's special day

Did she get married?

Nahhhhhhhhh, Lambie wouldn't allow it...even if Jimmer wanted to be her groom today! (Really!)

I had fun helping her get ready!

Holy gifts!

Crucifix necklace

Lots of pictures


As she receives

Fr. Danny...same guy who blessed all her gifts.

Jimmer looks like he's going in for a garter here, doesn't he?

Just helping MK take off her shoes. Sweetness.

See--only shoes.

Released from the bondage of dress shoes and tights.

Free to spin!

More holy gifts.

Gramma gave her a Rosary from the Vatican that was blessed by Pope Benedict!

Lambie was tasty!

Mary Kate, sweet soul, we're thrilled that we were able to help you celebrate your First Holy Communion. A joyous day for us all!

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