Friday, April 3, 2009

Soccer and Sand

A lively game of 4-on-4 broke out in the front yard...around 8:00 AM.

MK gives a high kick.

With this, yardful, we've all but forgotten there's such a thing as the Final Four going on about now!

After a lull in the front yard game, it was off to a nearby park with another dino dig. Mostly, the kids just played in the sand...for hours!

The five boys.

Anyone notice that part of Jimmer's everyday uniform is missing? Since it's getting warmer, that size 4 grey sweatshirt he always wears just may disappear soon.

Then off they went to feed the ducks.

Mary Kate is always trying to make new friends.

Where the kids spot water... where they land.

Another full day of nature and fresh air!

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