Sunday, June 14, 2009

School planning in progress...

No, we haven't been off on some lengthy exotic trip. We've been swimming at the pool, boating on the lake, having gates fixed and air conditioners serviced, enduring hail storms...and making every effort to keep from melting. It's been 100 degrees for the past few days, and I'd just like to say,


The kids started fiddle camp last week, they're ready for VBS at the end of the month, we're signed up for art classes, and I've just been doing some fun school planning now that we've finished up our year.

Can you tell what time period in history we'll be studying this year?

I've had fun going through lots of other books we'll be using this year. I can't wait for the kids to dig into these 50s edition classics.

They were given to my aunt by my grandparents. The inscription Grandma wrote.

LOVE hand me downs!

Isn't the artwork in this Hans Brinker book sweet?


Black Beauty

Classic books are forever gifts!

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