Friday, October 2, 2009

Bryce Canyon


The bluest sky you'll ever see

A natural Wall Street



Reaching tree duo

Natural arch

Different jungle gym

The Marys

The monkeys

Colorfully geared

Ready to hike back up

Our crew near the bottom of the canyon

This is where we played a brief game of charades with a kind, foreign tourist who was willing to take our picture. (Four adults acting out, from afar, how to rotate a camera isn't as easy as it may seem!)

Thank you, children, for carrying my water in your CamelBaks.

Learning greater independence in packing and carrying your own gear because your mother rarely carries a purse has served you (and me) very well.

Thanks for the hand sanitizer, Kathleen.
Mary Kate, I thank you for carrying my chap stick.
Thank you, Mike, for the granola bars and trail mix.

Just remember when you hike at Bryce: It's easy going down, tougher comin' up!

On this day 09-16-09, our elevation here was about 9,169 ft. least at some point during the day!

This day was also Grampy's birthday!

Showered with homemade cards

Treated to a rootbeer float.

Have you ever had a rootbeer float on a camping trip? Tastes better.

All food tastes so much better on a camping trip
(especially when enjoyed out of doors in a forest of Ponderosas).

Now leaving...

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