Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A visit to Death Valley

We were excited to get to Death Valley, a place unlike any other national park. Unique geologic formations, crazy heat, eerie feeling at times. Very...crusty and sandy. Drab in places, colorful in others. Interesting and stiffling. There's plenty of history and intrigue here.

We got a deathly warm welcome of 116 degrees!

What's the lowest elevation in the country?

Right here at Badwater Basin in Death Valley -- 282 ft. below sea level.

So now we've been on the lowest road and the highest road (Mt. Evans, CO at 14,260 ft) in the country.

Aren't these cool salt formations? Like the crystals just started protruding through the mud cracks they were inhabiting.

Can you envision it?

Dead mud -- nice mosaic!

This slug-like thing was the only living creature we could find in the briny solution at Badwater.

Therefore, we concluded it was, indeed, bad water. Very bad.

Devil's Golf Course

Salt formations--very hard and sharp! Just ask Jimmer. He cut his hand on these things.

Golden Canyon hike

The old borax works

Remember laundry-boosting borax? 20 mule team? As in, 40 mules pulling the wagons? This is where it started--

with these wagons.

Colorful mountains--green streaks, mustard colors, reds, greys--all providing a unique display of different minerals.

Don't the kids look like they're deathly thirsty looking for an oasis?

Nah, they were just running around having TONS of fun on the dunes!

Son's supine slide

Swirling second born

A brief sand blasting productive exfoliation of the legs.

You know you're having fun when your pigtails are flying!

Now leaving Death Valley and headed for life.


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