Thursday, February 25, 2010

Desperate to Advance His Agenda, Obama Adds Bacon to Widely Unpopular Health Care Bill

Washington, D.C.--Desperate to advance his government-run health care agenda, President Obama announced he would add bacon to the widely unpopular Senate health care bill. Obama made the announcement at a "bipartisan summit" with Congressional leaders."

"We listened to the President repeat his favorite talking points for several hours, well past lunch time," said one Republican who attended. "Then he sprang his Plan B on us. It was bacon."

Administration officials defended the surprise announcement, saying "People are mixing bacon with everything from ice cream to coffee to cereal. We weren't blindsiding anyone with gimmicks."

Some Republicans said they were annoyed by Obama's tactic of responding to every tough question posed to him at the summit by yelling "Bacon!" But a White House spokesperson said "The summit wasn't about what Republicans or Democrats want. It was about what the American people want."

Associated article: Daily Beast

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