Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow in Texas

It was quite exciting around here yesterday because this guy came for a visit.

In fact, this was the seventh visiting snowman in our yard.

It was all so beautiful.

Kids catching snowflakes on their tongues--giggling and frolicking under the large, fluffy flakes dropping from the sky.

And then...

The snowball fight ensued.

I'm thinking that Mikey may have started it with this close range (ouch) blast to Mary Kate.

The sibling justice team came back in force.

Jimmer got him with this one.

Kathleen's turn.

There. That should settle it.

After everyone had a sufficient number of welts on their bodies, the kids decided to tone it down. Then I said something like, "Hey kids, why don't you build a cute snowman while there's still snow."

And they obliged by building...

...this two-headed snow goon.

Inspired by none other than Calivn & Hobbes.

With her newly-fashioned wagon-siding snow board, Kathleen was lamenting our flat yard.

She got over it quickly, and all the kids started blazing dead-grass trails through the yard as they rolled their own snow boulders.

After grunting and heaving a bit, they ended up with this.

A new frosty friend.

A very stout, frosty friend.

After building 6 more snowmen, 2 snow forts, playing snowball, and changing dripping wet clothes 3 times, the kids called it a day...in the snow.

Goodbye, our frosty, disco-y, winking friend. Sorry our 50 degree weather today didn't agree with you.

We'll remember you for another 6 years if we have to. That's how long we had to wait for you to come back. I dug up a photo from the last time you visited us...in 2004.

The kids want me to ask you to not wait so long next time.

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