Thursday, April 29, 2010

White House Increases Accessibility to Press with New Stock Answer Vending Machines

Washington, D.C.--In response to complaints by the national media that the White House's day-to-day interaction with the press has become almost nonexistent, that President Obama hasn't held a news conference for 10 months and speaks to the press far less often than George W. Bush did, that the New York Times is favored while reporters who write critical articles are frozen out, and that fewer agency officials speak to the press, administration press secretary Robert Gibbs announced that several new vending machines will be placed around the White House grounds to increase access by the media.

"We're going to stock these machine with our most common stock answers," said Gibbs, "and those answers will appear in plain view." He also reiterated that "This is the most transparent administration in history."

Associated article: Politico

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