Sunday, January 2, 2011

Man in Obama T-Shirt Robs Bank Unnoticed

New Rochelle, New York--Over a dozen bank customers watched nonchalantly as a teller handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to a man wearing an Obama t-shirt.

When asked why by local police, the teller said "It's gotten to the point where I didn't think anything of it. Of course someone associated with the Obama campaign is going to demand hundreds of thousands of dollars in other people's money."

The responses of other witnesses were much the same.

"With government takeovers of health care, home loans, banks, and energy," said one customer, "I just assumed along with everyone else that a guy with an Obama t-shirt wanted lots of taxpayer money, and they were going to do whatever it took to get it."

The man in the t-shirt was quickly apprehended, after which he told police "I didn't say anything to the teller. She just handed me the money and I took it."

"I'm used to the Obama shirt giving me a kind of moral authority like that," he said.

Associated articles: Washington Examiner; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post

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