Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2011 E-Book Challenge

For Christmas I got a Kindle (tied with books as the best present ever!) so when I saw this challenge, I thought I just had to join!  Hosted by The Ladybug Reads, these are seven levels:

-- Curious – Read 3 e-books.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 e-books.
-- Addicted – Read 12 e-books.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 e-books.
-- Possessed – Read 50 e-books.
-- Fanatical – Read 75 e-books.
-- Monomaniacal – Read 100 e-books.

I'm not sure whether I'm going to do the Obsessed or the Fanatical level, but I'll see as I go along.  In the end I decided to do the Obsessed, mainly to make mysefl feel slightly better!

To join up yourself, click on the link below:

So Far I've Read:
Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker
Blood of Gold (Seeker Series #1) by B. V. Larson
Portal (The Portal Chronicles, Book One) by Imogen Rose
Beastly by Alex Flinn
Across Eternity by Aris Whittier
Predators of Darkness: Aftermath (The Darkness, Book One) by Leonard D. Hilley II
After Eden (Fallen Angels, Book One) by Katherine Pine
Beyond the Darkness (The Darkness, Book Two) by Leonard D. Hilley II
House Trap by Mike Mauthor
The Game of Pawns (The Darkness, Book Three) by Leonard D. Hilley II
She Smells the Dead (Spirit Guide, Book One) by E.J. Stevens
Spirit Storm (Spirit Guide, Book Two) by E.J. Stevens
Summer I Lost It by Natalie Kath
Savor (Warm Delicacy, Book One) by Megan Duncan
Thin Air (Book One) by Lynn Seresin
Legend of Witchtrot Road (Spirit Guide, Book Four)
The Frankincesnse Trail by Jody Kihara
Not many, so far, but I'll get there!

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