Friday, February 4, 2011

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Publisher: Penguin
Format: Paperback
Published: UK: 2009 (USA: 2007)
Book: Bought
Number of Pages: 332
Genre: Dark Romance, Action, Fantasy, YA 
Recommended Age: 12+
Contains: Violence, Death, Mild Alcohol/Drug Reference (Vampire Bite
Author's Blog: Richelle Mead

Lissa Dragomir is a mortal vampire.
She must be protected at all times from the fiercest and most dangerous vampires of all – the ones who will never die.
Rose Hathaway is Lissa’s best friend – and her bodyguard.
Now, after two years of illicit freedom, they’ve been dragged back inside the iron gates of St. Vladamir’s Academy.  The girls must survive a world of forbidden romances, a ruthless social scene and terrifying night-time rituals.
But above all, they must never let their guard own, lest the immortal vampires take Lissa – forever...

I am unbelievably behind on the Vampire Academy series, especially as the sixth is out now and I’ve only just finished the first, but they were definitely worth the wait. 
The main story is of Rose and Lissa’s life at vampire high school, and all the dangers and trials they face there after having run away two years earlier for reasons unknown at the beginning.  Slowly, Rose reveals more and more about the events leading up to their runaway, teasing you with little snippets that leave you desperate for the bigger picture.  It was absolutely addictive and wonderfully written, and it drew me in for the very start of the book.
Rose is a brilliant character, completely impulsive and well aware of her own physical attractions, she is funny and brave, and one of those heroines that you want to win.  Her protectiveness of Lissa is the alternate side of her recklessness, as she’d do absolutely anything at all to keep her best friend safe from everything, be it from Strigoi, boys or even herself.  Their friendship was so beautiful and sweet and touching; one of the purest I’ve ever read about.
Lissa is amazing, too, sweet, fair, loving and selfless, who’d already lost so much in her life.  I must admit, I didn’t like her quite so much as I did Rose, but she was so incredible an kind that you can’t help loving her. 
Of course, there’s romance too, just as in every other half-decent vampire story.  One for Rose, one for Lissa, both different and both brilliant.  Love, friendship, vampires, super-humans, magic and evil, you can’t help being absorbed by Richelle’s writing and plot.  I absolutely adored this book and can’t wait until I read the next one.

Star Rating:
4½ Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
The Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey
The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong

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