Saturday, April 23, 2011

Across Eternity by Aris Whittier

Publisher: Unknown
Format: eBook
Published: Unknown
Number of Pages: 298
Book: For Review From Author*
Genre: Romance, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, YA-Adult Crossover
Recommended Age: 15+: Teens Who Want To Move On From YA Romance
Contains: A Few Swearwords and Love Scenes, But No Graphic Sexual Descriptions

Born a genius; education, wealth, and prestige came easy to Logan Richards. Actually, there wasn’t much that Logan couldn’t learn or acquire. However, he knew there was more to life than money and power. Logan was determined to find the woman who he'd dreamed of his entire life and know what it was like to love her before he died.
Amber Lewis, a waitress for a five-star restaurant in, Dana Point, California, was overworked, stressed, and wary of life since her sister, Heather, had passed away. Then, one evening while working she fell hopelessly in love with Logan Richards, a chivalrous man who felt deeply familiar.
For Amber, it was the beginning of a voyage of self-discovery and renewal. For Logan, it was the completion of life. For each of them it was the deepest sort of love.

Aris Whittier got in touch with me, asking if I would like to review her book.  The blurb appealed to me, and it was my first for-review book, so of course I said yes!  And I can honestly say I loved it.  It was amazing, and I’m so glad I said yes now!
One love for all your lives.  The concept is so beautiful, so intriguing and is what made this book incredible and unique.  Once I’d started, I just couldn’t stop reading.  It was another of those so-beautiful-it-actually-hurts books, and I loved every minute of it.
Logan first met her when he was three, before she was born – well, born in this time, at least.  No one else could see her, because she was his, and he was hers and it had always been that way.  It all changed when he was ten, because she had to be born.  Her leaving was the most painful thing Logan had been through, and all that kept him going was the knowledge that she was out there somewhere, and that one day he would find her.  And he did, twenty-seven years later, and the connection was there for them both.  For Logan it wasn’t the first time: they were made for each other, and their love survived across all eternity...
Soulmates and past lives are something that’s always intrigued me, and Aris really bought the two to life, making me believe that it was possible for love to be so strong it would last forever.  Normally, instant-connection-love is a little hit-and-miss, but in this case it was absolutely perfect: sweet, believable and I could completely feel the connection.
Logan was sincere, confident, beautiful and a genius: the man a girl can instantly fall for.  To begin with I thought he was a little formal, but after a while I realised that’s just how he was: too smart for his own good!  I loved how self-conscious and... humble, is the word I’d use to describe him: he didn’t like to show off how smart he really was.  That’s what made me really love him.  Well, that and how he was with Amber.  Amber was kind, sweet, with a good sense of humour.  I loved how she purposefully made Logan uncomfortable with silly things, because the way he reacted made me laugh.  Their love was what carried the book, what made it magical, unforgettable, stunning. 
The supporting characters were just as loveable, Logan’s family in particular.  They really made me laugh, and the dynamics were just so amazing that I literally could have read a whole book just about them.  His mother was by far the best, with her over-the-top reactions and her wonderful insanity.  She was a classic mother hen, and I loved her!
Aris asked me to review Across Eternity from a YA-fiction-reader angle, to see if it’s something teens would like.  I think it’s perfect.  When you’re at that stage when you feel you are looking for something a little more that what teen and YA romance books have to offer, but are too young for adult romances, I think that you are at the perfect stage for this book.  Even if you aren’t there, and just want an amazing romance with a twist, I recommend it.  It contains a few love scenes, but nothing graphic... come to think of it, I’ve seen more graphics in YA novels...  But more than that, it has a beauty about it, about how to accept death, destiny and things that are beyond your control.  So, yes, Aris, I think you can definitely call this an Adult-YA crossover.
I laughed, I smiled and I cried my eyes out.  I questioned so many things: do I believe in past lives?; do I believe is soulmates?; do I believe in love so powerful it never goes away?  And after reading Across Eternity, I feel like I do, because how can something so beautiful not exist?

Star Rating:
5 Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
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Challenges It's Taking Part In:
2011 E-Book Challenge (Hosted by The Ladybug Reads)
Happy Reading
*This book was recieved from the author in exchange for an honest review

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