Friday, April 15, 2011

Follow Friday (#6)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the Feature blog this week is:
And the question this week is...
"Do You Have Anyone That You Can Discuss Books With IRL?  Tell Us About Him/Her."
Well, I talk to everyone really, whether they want to hear about it or not.  I have friends to talk to, but it's my family I talk to most.  See, my whole family is very booky, so meetings often end up in a conversation that starts with, "Have you read..."  I have two cousins who are paranormal-fantasy readers, so I lend a lot of books to, and we talk about them after.    My aunt, mother and me read a lot of similar books as well: more 'thought-provoking' ones, so we often talk when we all get together.  None of them are really as into YA books as me, though one of my cousins is coming around, all thanks to moi!
Come to think of it, I don't think I meet with anyone without talking about books...  I should probably do something about that...
So, that's my answer: I just love the 'IRL' (in real life). (:
Well, thanks for stopping by!  If you've found my through FF, leave a link so I can follow you back!  If not, who do you talk to about books 'in real life'?
Thanks, and have a great weekend all!

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