Sunday, September 25, 2011

In My Mailbox (#30)

 In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what.  Awesome!

This week I went to an Oxford University Press' bloggers evening.  It was awesome!  I met Joss Stirling - author of Finding Sky and Stealing Phoenix - and Dave Cousins, whose book Fifteen Days Without a Head is coming out in January.  I also got to meet some of my fellow bloggers, which was really nice!  There were extracts, funny stories, book talk and brownies!  Anyhoo, it was a lot of fun, and I left with three books from OUP and one from Liz from My Favourite Books.  It was a great evening!
Who was there: Darren (Bookzone 4 Boys), Carly (Writing from the Tub), Casey & Hayley (Dark Readers), Dwayne (Girls Without A Bookshelf), Karen (Teenage Fiction For All Ages), Liz & Mark (My Favourite Books), Paula (PaulaSHx), Sammee (I Want To Read That), Stacey (The Pretty Books), Viv (Serendipity Reviews) and Sarah (Feeling Fictional).  It was so lovely to meet you all!
Here are Joss's Website and Dave's Website, so you can have a look at their books. :)   If you want a really, really good account of the evening, check out Sarah's blog.  :D
From OUP:

Stealing PhoenixFifteen Days Without a HeadMortal Chaos

Stealing Phoenix (Benedict, Book Two) by Joss Stirling (Goodreads | Amazon)
Catch a Thief and Lose Your Heart
A finished copy!  *happy dance*  It's soo pretty!  I know I've already read it, but I'm reading it all over again!  I really, really, really love this book! 
Fifteen Days Without a Head by Dave Cousins (Goodreads | Amazon)
Dave gave us a reading of this.  It had everyone there cracking up!  And on the back it says: Meet Laurence.  Very soon he will dress up as his mum and impersonate a dead guy on the radio.  I've started it, and it's amazing so far!  It comes out January!
Mortal Chaos by Matt Dickinson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Some Will Live
Many Will Die
All Are Connected
This looks great!  It's a thriller, all about the butterfly effect.  Y'know, that theory that when a butterfly flaps their wings in England, there's a hurricane in Hawaii?  It comes out February!
Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick (Goodreads | Amazon)
What Would You Sacrifice For Someone You've Loved Forever?
Thank you so, so, so much to Liz from My Favourite Books for giving this to me!  She overheard me talking about Marcus Sedgwick, and gave me this!  It looks great, and I can't wait to read it: thank you Liz!

For Review:

House of Vampires by Samantha Rendle 
I was contacted by the small publisher of this book - Silverwood - and asked to review this.  As I love all things vamp, I said yes.  The cover is awesome too! :D
Tower of Parlen Min (The Narrow Escapes of Ves Asirin) by Matt Xell (Goodreads | Amazon)
An action-filled book by the sounds of it.  Thanks to the author!

From NetGalley:

If I TellGrave Mercy: His Fair Assassin, Book 1Saving June
The Iron Knight (Iron Fey, #4)

If I Tell by Janet Gurtler (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
One Small Mistake.  One Giant Secret.
This looks amazing!  Very thought-provoking.  Can't wait!
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assasin, Book One) by Robin LaFevers (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Why Be The Sheep, When You Can Be The Wolf?
This looks great!  Really, really great!  :D
Saving June by Hannah Harrington (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
This looks brilliant - really, really brilliant. 
Wolf Mark by Joseph Bruchac (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
High action, an awesome cover... Lovin' the look of this one! :)
The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey, Book Four) by Julie Kagawa (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Ok, I haven't got the third in this series.  But I couldn't resist!!

That's me.  I have just realised that I did not buy a single book! O.O  I'm shocked.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll make up for it.  There are a few I'm eyeing... ;)

What was in your mailbox this week?

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