Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (#18)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
It's been donkey's years since I've done this meme!  So I thought I ought to start up again!   Since I'm juggling a squillion books right now, I thought I'd do random quotes from a few of them.  :)

Savor (Warm Delicacy, #1)From Savor by Megan Duncan, Chapter One, Page 24
"As much as I love you, Louie, I sure hope you're not the only man in my life."
"Talking to that fat cat again, I see."

Savor (Warm Delicacy, Book One) by Megan Duncan

Synopsis From Goodreads:
When Claire Miller turned eighteen all she wanted to do was celebrate her birthday, but after a night on the town with her best friend she awakes to a visitor she never expected. The rulers of her region, a vampire royal family, have chosen her to be turned as their new heir and vampire princess. Claire quickly discovers the royal family is not what they seem and that she has secrets in her past, she never knew existed.
This is great!  I'm really liking it!  Keep a look out for the blog tour! ;) 

From Thin Air by Lynn Seresin, Prologue, Page Two
I was a sylphid.  One of the daughters of the air.  An elemental being of the highest order of vibration.

Thin Air (Thin Air Saga, Book One) by Lynn Seresin

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Alice Ayre is no ordinary teenager. She took her first name from a statue in Central Park, pulled her last name out of the air (literally), and she’s actually almost a thousand years old. In fact, the only “ordinary” thing about Alice is that she’s in love.
Alice was a sylphid—a winged air spirit—when she spotted Daniel Field camping in the Adirondacks and lost her heart to the handsome NYU student. Intangible to the human senses, her only hope of winning his heart resides in becoming mortal, even though transmutation is forbidden by Paralda, ruler of the air. Risking punishment, however, seems a small price to pay for a chance at true happiness.
Enraged over Alice’s departure, Paralda has sent transmuted assassins to pursue her into the human world. Alone with her secret–who would believe her?—Alice must elude a nameless, faceless enemy sworn to destroy the happy, new life she’s risked so much to achieve.
This is great too - new take on faeries!  I'll have a few posts on this coming up over the next month!  :D

Kill All EnemiesFrom Kill All Enemies by Melvin Burgess, Page 78
He was dead.  It wouldn't be bullying, now - it would be justice.  A pacifist can only take so much.

Kill All Enemies by Melvin Burgess

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Everyone says fourteen-year-old Billie is nothing but trouble. A fighter. A danger to her family and friends. But her care worker sees someone different. Her classmate Rob is big, strong; he can take care of himself and his brother. But his violent stepdad sees someone to humiliate. And Chris is struggling at school; he just doesn't want to be there. But his dad sees a useless no-hoper. Billie, Rob and Chris each have a story to tell. But there are two sides to every story, and the question is ...who do you believe?
I'm loving this one too.  It's raw, emotional and full of messages. 

From Virals by Kathy Reichs, Chapter Eight, Page 55
"Monkey attack."  Hi slogged back up the grade.  "The enemy had air superiority, but we survived."  He swatted Ben on the shoulder.  "Don't worry, I sent a message.  They won't dare return."

Virals (Virals, Book One) by Kathy Reichs

Synopsis From Blurb:
Tory Brennan is as fascinated by bones and dead bodies as her famous aunt, acclaimed forensic anthropologist Tempe Brennan.  However, living on a secluded island off Charleston in South Carolina, she doesn't have much opportunity to put her knowledge to the test.  Until she and her group of technophile friends stumble acroos a shallow grave containing the remains of a girl who has been missing for over thirty years.
With the cold-case suddenly hot, Tory realises that they are involved in something fatally dangerous .  On the run from forces they don't understand, they have only each other to fall back on.  Until they succumb to a mysterious infection that heightens their senses and hones their insticts to impossible levels.  Their illness seems to have changed their very biology - and suddenly it's clear that the island is home to something well beyond their comprehension.  It's a secret that has driven men to kill once.  And will drive them to kill again...
Love this book!  And Hi kills me! :D

Well, that's my very, very, very long Teaser.  Sorry!

What's your teaser this week?

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