Saturday, October 1, 2011

Upcoming Thin Air Blog Tour

From October 3rd to 31st, Sundays not included, the blog tour of Thin Air by Lynn Seresin will take place.  There will be lots of cool things, from giveaways to interviews, guest posts to reviews.
And, as a grand finale of sorts, there will be the Grand Prize.  The winner shall receive a signed, paperback copy of Thin Air and a pair of specially made earrings!

To win, you have to find the red letters.  Not all the blogs will have one, but they will pop up, and when they do, the letter will be in bold and will be red.  It should look like this:

"This is how the blog tour post should look like. Then there's a bunch of content here, and somewhere in the middle, the blogger will just bold and put in red their letter."

You need to write them down, as these letters should make up two words.  So just collect them all, and fill out this Form

I'll be taking part in this tour three times, but to see who else is and when, go to the host blog, The Magic Attic.

Good luck everyone, and enjoy! :D
Happy Reading

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