Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Giveaway!

It's time to welcome in the new year... with a giveaway!   It's been a great year book wise: we've had the first in the new Bloodline series, Alyxandra Harvey's new Haunting Violet.  We've had a second book from one of my favourite authors: Jenny Downham.  We've seen the last installment of Harry Potter, and welcomed the new Pottermore website.  Yes, it's been a great year for books...  But I think 2012 will be even better!  To celebrate these old and the new books, I'm having a giveaway that has something from both.  Therefore I'm giving away:

1x Haunting Violet cloth bag
1x Haunting Violet lipbalm
1x 2012 Bloomsbury Book (Fracture)

This is an international giveaway, so no one will be left out!  It ends January 14th.

Oh, and before you all enter, two more things. 
One: What has your Top 2011 Book been?  And which book are you most looking forward to in 2012?  (This doesn't affect who wins: I really want to know 'cause I'm always on the lookout for more books to read!)
Two: I'd like to thank everyone who has followed, visited, commented or guest-posted on The Book Addicted Girl in 2011!  All of you have really made this year special for me!  And I'm hoping that in 2012, we will have more guest-posts, more giveaways and more books!  
Here's to a Happy New Year!

Now, back to buisness: here's the entry form.  I'm using this new Rafflecopter... thingy-ma-bob.  It's fun!  It means you can get loads of extra entries,  and it looks cool! ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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