Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools We Are!

We didn't get too out of hand today. We did just a couple of simple pranks. I thought I'd surprise the kids in the morning by placing some shredded paper atop their mostly-closed doors in such a way that it would lightly come down on them when they open their doors. It went fairly unnoticed since the girls' confetti fell down before they woke up. When they came out of their room, they said something like, "Hey, what's this stuff on the floor?" For the boys, well, it just startled Jimmer in the middle of the night (not when you want to surprise a child!) when he got up to go to the bathroom. The joke was on me because when I was getting ready for the day in our room, the kids devised a better mechanism to cause the confetti to fall on ME when I opened my door. And it worked!

Not satisfied because I hadn't accomplished my April Fool's Day goal, I emptied out all the lead in our mechanical pencils that the kids use for school. It was fun to watch as Mikey tried one after the other. Click, click, click (puzzled look, next)...click, click, click (puzzled look, next)...click, click, click!

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