Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Holey Moley!

As my cousin commented the other day that Mikey seems to have a steel trap of a mind, this is yet another account of the trivia that sticks in his gray matter.

As the kids were making First Communion cards this morning for their cousin Joey, I mentioned that there was a moleskin-like fuzzy covering on the bottom of a certain gift we are sending him. They all said something like, "A Mole? Gross...why would they do that?" As their teacher, I thought this was a great teaching moment so I got on the internet to get information on moles (thinking that they didn't know anything about them). When I showed the kids a picture of a mole I had found, Mikey said, "Do you know that they can dig 5 times faster than a mechanical mole that digs tunnels, although their holes are smaller? (slight pause) Can you find a picture of a star-nosed mole now?"

I asked him where he found his information on moles, and he pulled down our Audubon mammal guide and his I Wonder Why Encyclopedia off our reference book shelf and showed me. He sure showed me!

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