Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy 444th Birthday, Shakespeare!

To celebrate Shakespeare's birthday today, I read "Hamlet" out of our book, Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare. After Dad got home and we all had dinner, the kids put on their performance of Hamlet for him. Here are Mikey and Jimmer in the scene where Hamlet and Laertes have a dual.
Here's the cast! Mikey-Hamlet; Jimmer-Polonius, Laertes, Courtier 1; Mary Kate-Queen, Ophelia, Courtier 2; Kathleen-King, King's spirit, Claudius.
Afterward we watched our friends, Greg and Julie Alexander, who were on EWTN Live at 7pm. They just finished up a new 12-part series on marriage called Marriage Works in Christ--Broken & Blessed that will most likely air on EWTN in the fall. They've done some amazing work with broken marriages! Check them out.

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