Friday, August 1, 2008

Fine Arts Friday: Last Day of Art Camp

Mike, Kathleen, and Mary Kate finished up their acrylics art camp today and had an art exhibit to show all their work for the week. My friend, Karen (resident artist of Taku Art Studio), and her son certainly kept the kids busy. Here's what the kids have to show for their week!

Mike and his works

Kathleen and her collection of artwork

Mary Kate and all her paintings

The kids with the outdoor part of the exhibit.
Here they are with their art teacher and assistant.

Mikey's three different blue and brown pieces. They all started out looking the same--with blue on top and brown on the bottom.

This is Kathleen's favorite piece, her "Surfer" made from modeling paste (for the texture) and topped with paint.

A couple of Mary Kate's fun pieces

They each came home with 10-15 pieces each! I better get thinking about how I can display some of them!

What fun fine art!

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