Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In Banff National Park--Bow Valley and Johnston River

Grammy & Grampy with kids overlooking Bow Valley
Jimmer overlooking Bow Valley with the hoodoos in the background. (If you've been to Bryce Canyon in Utah, don't get too excited about these little hoodoos in Banff. This little cluster is unique and kinda cute, but no comparison to Bryce's gazillion bright red impressive hoodoos!)
We drove into the valley and stopped to let the kids play in the river. I don't know if you can spot it in this picture, but there's an eerie looking shadow in the rocks in the middle/right side...in the shape of a bear! Yikes! Well, our bear encounter didn't happen until a few days after this picture was taken. I'll give you the details on that story later!

Mikey loves going off on his own to play. That's about the only way to have a little peace and quiet with our gang! Clever boy.

After our kids were wet enough we headed out for a hike through Johnston Canyon. We saw some interesting things on our little ride. Here's a gargantuan bird's nest...maybe for an eagle...right on top of a bridge's trusses!
A closer look
We thought this was interesting. Here is a wildife crossing in the making. It's to help the animals have a safe place to cross the highway. There are lots of fences in the areas keeping the large animals off the roadway--protecting tourists and animals alike. It's a nice relief when you're still driving at dusk when all the animals seem to want to jump onto the roadway to say HI!
Here's a completed wildlife crossing

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