Sunday, September 28, 2008

NW Vacation: Day 7?

We headed back to Spokane from Chelan and picked up our RV—and Grammy & Grampy (Joe's parents)! We drove about 4 hours to get to our first campground across the border in Canada. FYI—If you plan to travel out of the country, call your credit card company first and inform them of your plans, or else you may end up like we did at the grocery store—on the phone for an hour with our credit card company to clear us for what they considered “suspicious account activity.” It’s all to protect us, you know!

Here are the kids before they went to sleep our first night on the RV.
They also thought it was funny that in Canada, they don’t have $1 bills—they only have coins for the dollar. Also, they call their dollar a “loonie” because it has a loon on one side. So, I guess that’s why they call their $2 coin the “toonie!” Here is a loonie and a toonie!After our credit card incident, we thought we were starting to go a little loonie toonie!

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