Friday, September 5, 2008

A dutiful wife & mother

What does a dutiful wife and mother mean to you? Finding myself in the middle of what I was dutifully doing this morning had never crossed my mind when I've thought about what it means to be dutiful to my family. So, for heaven's sake, what am I doing in this picture? Let me back up. Mary Kate had a birthday last week and received a new pogo stick. The pogo stick is meant for 80-160 lbs. So, what that means is that since our children aren't quite 80 lbs. yet, it's a bit stiff and difficult for them to use...unless the spring is broken in a bit. Because my husband is over the 160 lb. limit, guess who had to do the dutiful job of breaking in the new pogo stick this morning? Why, you ask, am I doing this in the house? Well, we needed to make sure it could be loosened up enough for the kids to use it, so we didn't want to scratch it up too much on the outside concrete. Thank goodness for high ceilings! Our children got such a big kick out of it, they ran and got our camera to record their amusement.

Even though Joe was late for work, he stayed long enough to watch. I guess you really can't tell, but I am catching some air in these pictures!

I guess I broke it in well enough. Kathleen hopped on and bounced away! They also thought it was pretty funny to watch me dance on Mary Kate's new stilts! Until now, our children have been the ones providing entertainment around here!

I'll sign off with a video of Mary Kate dancing on her stilts.

I think we can now put these new toys to use outside!

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