Sunday, March 22, 2009

Let the Outdoor Swim Season Begin

No way. You just can't get a child to ignore the "Pool Open" sign for too long.

So, off they went with Dad, and

took a dip in the pool.

They won't admit it too readily, but they were pretty cold.

Don't they look cold?

That didn't stop them from staying in the water for 20 minutes.

They took the plunge this year more than a month earlier than last year...although I think that had more to do with Mary Kate not being cleared to swim after her surgery until the end of April.

But still, the water wasn't as cold today as it was when they went swimming in Lake Tahoe a couple of years ago in May when the water was only in the 40s.


They're all crazy.

I'll just hang onto my camera and stay clear of the water!

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