Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring :: Nature at our Front Door

A true Texas spring.

One day we're swimming in the unheated neighborhood pool.

The next day we have quarter-sized hail.

(The picture above shows the hail just as it fell near our front door. About 25% of it was quarter sized. Don't you love it when nature provides math lessons?)

Thirty minutes after the hail storm was over, it was sunny again...and nice and cool!

Kids have fun any way spring rears its head!

(Don't worry. The hail storm was over before we let the kids outside to play with nature's marbles.)

March came in like a lion...and may just leave like a lion.

Okay, so the March lion/lamb thing has more to do with the constellations than the weather.

Here's to spring...any way it comes and goes!

Addendum: Below is a photo a friend took of the hail they had in another part of town.

Here come all the roofers again...

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