Saturday, July 25, 2009

Artists' Statement

The three older kids finished art camp yesterday and brought home loads of new artwork. This year's camp was a drawing class.

It's great fun to watch something really click with the kids. Kathleen really seems to enjoy perspective drawing. Actually, that was one thing each of the kids came right home and went to work on each day after camp. Kathleen even produced a perspective drawing tutorial for me so I could jog my memory on the technique.

She even filled in the cover of her art file with a perspective drawing.

Still working on vertical lines and distinguishing different planes.

Sometime during the week, she was probably forced to vary her pieces from her preferred perspective drawings.

Diffuse Color and Texture Beach Scene

Mike finishing up his cityscape perspective drawing.

A texture scene

A portrait by Miss MK.

Miss MK loves color!

Kids and teacher

All artists' statements: "Art camp was really fun!"

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