Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Whistleblower Warns That If Congress Isn’t Briefed on Anti-Terrorism Plans Earlier, Such Plans Can't Be Leaked to Press in Time to Stop Them

Washington, D.C.--To support widely discredited claims by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that she was not briefed on an enhanced terrorist interrogation program she later criticized, Democrats held hearings yesterday to show the CIA failed to disclose to Congress one anti-terrorism program to kill terrorists that was just an idea and hadn't yet reached the implementation stage.

A whistleblower known only as "a high ranking terrorist leader," testifying anonymously behind a screen to protect his identity, told the committee "If Congress isn't briefed on every idea for anti-terrorism programs -- even before they reach the implementation stage -- it may be too late to leak those programs to the media so terrorists can be tipped off in time to avoid being killed."

The whistleblower revealed to a stunned audience that "I myself would be a target under one such program."

When one Member of Congress pointed out the allegedly "secret" plan to target certain terrorist leaders was originally reported in the New York Times in 2002, the whistleblower responded, "By 2002, I could have already been killed."

Associated articles:;;;;;,8599,1910670,00.html;;

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