Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fallout 3 "ObamaCare" Expansion Pack Features a Post-"Nuclear Option" World Filled with Mutants Created by Government-Run Health Care

Bethesda, Maryland--The creators of the popular "Fallout 3" video game announced the release of a new "ObamaCare" expansion pack set in a world destroyed by government-run health care after Congress triggered the "nuclear option" and rammed through President Obama's health care plan in violation of Senate rules.

The game creators said the expansion pack will feature a variety of mutants roaming hospital halls, the product of centrally-controlled health care gone awry.

"We wanted to create a realistic experience for the player," said the game's artistic director, "complete with zombies enraged by long waits for medical services and the delivery of sub-par health care, doctors driven mad by increased paperwork and frivolous lawsuits, and senior citizens angered by cuts in Medicare."

The expansion pack will also feature a new villain: the "health choice" czar, who "rules the health care system with an iron fist."

Associated articles: ABC News; Wall Street Journal; Washington Times

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