Thursday, May 13, 2010

More with Gramma...y mi tia muy especial

Aunt Mayno came to town to join her sister (Gramma) for a visit...and to make sure the kids haven't outgrown her yet! Besides MK's shoe size, Mayno can rest assured she's got a couple years 'til that happens.

The kids also celebrated the reprise of Aunt Mayno's monikers: Muchachito (Mike), Guapa (Kathleen), Preciosa (MK), and Coco Loco (Jimmer)!

We went out to Central Market's Cafe patio for some dinner and live music by Albert & Gage.

Aunt Mayno had a slumber party with the girls and got to snooze in a special place of honor, the bottom bunk. (Yes, that's Kathleen underneath the beds. Uhm...she's been sleeping there for about a month now. Not sure why--she just is.)

Went for a hike and picnic at Hamilton Pool.

(above composite photo from

The kids LOVE climbing all the boulders in the grotto...

...which is where we picnicked.

MK didn't get too far eating her lunch before she had to pull out a "looth tooth."

Once again, she and Kathleen were now toothless twins since Kathleen lost one that same morning. The tooth fairy has appreciated our efficiency on other occasions.

I forgot to pull out my camera when we went to Johnson City and toured the LBJ Ranch in the Hill Country. Later, we grabbed some grub at The OASIS--good food, live music, and a spectacular view of the lake and sunset.

Gramma and Aunt Mayno (okay, her real name is Mary) enjoyed some more live music back at the Roche Ranch.

Looking at these pictures makes my knees ache. I really ought to spring for a couple of music stands soon.

We had such fun with Gramma and Aunt Mayno. Maybe they'll come back soon. Chances may be better with Aunt Mayno since she didn't have to endure this:

We miss them both already.

There hasn't been quite as much card playing since they left.

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