Monday, May 3, 2010

Now That They're Only Representing Themselves, House Democrats Plan to Consolidate All Congressional Districts into U.S. Capitol Following 2010 Census

Washington, D.C.--Now that the U.S. House of Representatives has come to represent only the Members of Congress themselves, and not the views of citizens nationwide, House Democrats plan to have all House districts consolidated inside the four corners of the U.S. Capitol following the 2010 census.

"Democrats have a large majority in the House right now, holding 254 of 435 seats," said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, "but since we're ramming through widely unpopular legislation like health care, the cap and tax energy bill, and immigration amnesty, we'll need to have district lines redrawn to more accurately reflect the people we're representing, namely ourselves."

Associated article: Wall Street Journal

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