Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blazing Bows :: Fiddlin' around again

The kids had a fun little gig tonight at the Broken Spoke. They've been workin' their little fingers and rosined bows off to learn some new fiddle tunes.

As luck would have it, Grammy & Grampy were here with one of the "dousins" (one of the twelve cousins), Joey, to see their first live performance of the Blazing Bows.

Kids with Mary Hattersley, the group leader
TRIVIA: Mary's band, Greezy Wheels, was the first Austin band ever signed to a major record label. That was back in the 70s.

Here they are in action with The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Well, I can only see the tops of their heads in this video...but they're back there playing away.

After they "played it hot" on stage, they got hot and sweaty sliding around on the dance floor having fun with their fiddle friends
One fun evening...ending with a round of ice cream cones.

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