Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Obama Faces Jilted Voters on Raucous Jerry Springer Show

Chicago, Illinois--Just days after appearing on ABC's talk show "The View," President Obama continued his trash TV tour by appearing on the Jerry Springer Show, where he was confronted by his own jilted voters.

"You told me hope and change, hope and change!" screamed one disgusted supporter, pointing to another woman offstage. "But you never told me about her!"

"Nancy gave me what I needed!" said Obama. "Where were you when I wanted to dedicate one-sixth of the economy to government control?"

The audience was whipped into a frenzy when the Speaker of the House stormed onstage and began pulling other voters' hair. According to one audience member, "When security tried to separate them, Speaker Pelosi yelled something about how she has the constitutional authority to make people buy better weaves."

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