Friday, April 1, 2011

Follow Friday (#4)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the Feature blog this week is:
And the question this week is...
"What is the book that you really don't want to admit to loving?"
Now, this is a hard one.  I'm really quite open about what books I like: I don't care if people think I'm insane (which is a good thing, as that is what all my family thinks of me).  But, I guess I do have one or two guilty pleasures...  One is Shakespeare: everytime I mention how Romeo and Juliet or King Lear being on my favourites list, people tend to stare at me like I've lost my mind.  Did you know that apparently it's weird to be able to understand Shakespeare-talk?  Another would be all my movie/TV tie-ins (Buffy, X Files, Charmed), and a 7+ series called Beast Quest.  I don't know if any of you remember, but a few weeks ago, a boy called William did a review for my blog (you can see it: here).  Well, he has a twin brother, Joshua, who loved the series by Adam Blade and made me read them.  Honest, he actually pestered me every time he saw me until I gave in.  The books are easy, definately too young for me, but full of action and mythical creatures. 
Well, there are the books I can't admit to loving.  Only, I guess I've just admitted...  Well, anyway!  Sorry if I bored you with a that!
Thanks for stopping by!  If you found me through FF, leave a link so I can follow you back.  Once again, if not, you could always leave a comment telling us about your guilty pleasure!
Thanks and have a great weekend, one and all!

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