Friday, April 8, 2011

Follow Friday (#5)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the Feature blog this week is:
And the question this week is...
"Do You Judge A Book By It's Cover?"
Normally, no.  But I do occasionally.  I don't like labels, so I try to ignore covers, go by blurbs, first few pages or recommendations.  Ocassionally, though, I do buy books for covers.  Some are brilliant, some not so much.  And some books with horrible covers turn out to be amazing.
For example:
Delirium by Lauren Oliver has a beautiful cover, and was a 5* book (in my opinion).
Whereas, while Halo by Alexandra Adornetto had the most gorgeous cover ever, it was only a 3¾* one (once again, in my opinion).
So yes, I do.  But I try really hard not to.
So, that's my answer. 
If you've found me through FF, thanks for stopping by my blog!  If you leave a link, I'll follow you back! 
And, if you're not taking part:
What about you?  Do you judge a book by it's cover?
Have a great weekend!

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