Friday, July 29, 2011

Follow Friday (#19)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Alison at Alison Can Read, and it's such an awesome idea!  
Our Feature This Week Is: 
Ok, guess what??  I'M THE FEATURE THIS WEEK!!!  I'm kinda excited, if my capitols didn't give that away.  It's just such a big thing that I take part in every week, and now I'm a feature.  Ok, I'll shut up now and get to the question.  :)
<-- My icon.  ^.^

Our Question:

"Let's Step Away From Books For A Second And Get Personal. What T-Shirt Slogan Best Describes You?"
Now, this one is a hard-un.  I may go with something ridiculous, like:
Fiction Is Better Than Fact.  Fact.
Cause I love living in my fantasy worlds.
When I was little, I swore this was my favourite slogan ever:
Forget Falling In Love.  I'd Much Rather Fall In Chocolate!
Then I went through a horse-loving stage (that I still haven't gotten over) and changed my mind to:
Been There.  Jumped That.  Got The Scars To Prove It.
My family also decided that, when I hit the teenage years that my official title was:
Grumpy In The Mornings.
They even brought me a pair of pyjamas with the slogan on, cheeky lot.
But, now, the only T-Shirt slogan I can think of to describe me is:
Live Your Dreams.
After all, no one else can live them for you.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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