Thursday, July 28, 2011

My, oh my, oh May!

A smorgasbord of snapshots...

The month started out with a bang when Gramma showed up.

Or at least a *PING*PING*.
That's the sound of Kathleen having this done to her ears!

Grammy & Grampy got in the game.

Kathleen's handmade residence for most of May.

The girls' fuel-efficient independent transportation during the month of May.

May's musical musterings

Both the violin and piano recitals in one day--

--within a couple of hours of each other.

May clowning

After Jimmer took off with Gramma and hung out for a week,
Nici, our former au pair, jetted to our country from South Africa,
and we both flew out to Gramma's to retrieve Jimmer -- releasing him from the shackles of...perfect weather, perfect fun with Gramma & Mr. Merle, perfect one-on-one time for once, and perfect freedom from school and siblings.

With the likes of these two personalities meeting for the first time, it took a grand total of one second to warm up to each other.

Card games led to toe wrestling which led to...
snowball fights.

...and scratching around for coin droppage.

Fast friends, I tell you!

Back at the ranch...

Car appreciation day in May

Enjoying May weather!

Pretzel making in May

South African sisters - Nici's sister (now an au pair in NJ) came for a Memorial Day weekend visit to the Lonestar State.

They bought boots,

Dressed up,

Danced with cowboys,

Visited our pink capitol,

Bounced through Lake Travis,

Ate grub overlooking a lake at sunset,

And engaged in pre-dinner thumb wrestling.

As you can see, the kids really had a tough time warming up again to Nici after her 10-year absence!

Much in May.
Then there was June!

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