Friday, December 2, 2011

Follow Friday (#20)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Alison at Alison Can Read, and it's such an awesome idea!  

Our Feature This Week Is: 


Our Question:
"What Is Your Biggest Pet Peeve When It Comes To Books? Maybe You Don’t Like Love Triangles Or Thin Plots? Tell Us About It!"
Ok, biggest pet peeve...  I love well-done triangles, thin plots do annoy me...  Ok, I've got my Biggest Pet Peeve: Whiny, weak heroines who always need rescuing by strong, handsome boys.  I need lead gals who can kick butt, maybe even occasionally saving the boy, and always have a strong, witty retort ready-and-waitin'.  I mean, ok, some of the boys are cute, but I like a heroine who can take care of herself!  It just bugs me that some girls in YA novels can be so... useless helpless!  Give me a Rose or a Katniss anyday!

Added 10minutes later:
I MUST add typos to my Pet Peeve list.  I have this annoying talent of picking up every.single.typo. in a book.  It drives me insane to have a book full of typo after typo.  I just can't concentrate on the story line, on the characters.  The book itself could be amazing, prizewinningly stunning, but if there are typos, I find I just can't enjoy it!
I finally picked this up again!  Yay!  I've missed FF!

 What's your biggest pet peeve?  :D
Now, have a great weekend all! :D

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